Monday, May 2, 2011


Happy May everyone this is my birthday month!!!!!! We have 14 days not including weekends and we will have officially made it thru our first year of homeschooling!! The 20th of May which is also my daughters birthday and its a milestone birthday for her she will be 13! I will try and post some pictures on here soon that beautiful grandbaby of mine is getting big she weighs a whole woppin 11 lbs already lol she is 2 and 1/2 months old. I will try and sign in on here more often i just dont feel sometimes like there is enough hours in a day. I have been able to reconnect with some old friends lately it has been lovely!! Well anywho Happy May to everyone!!!!!       XX

1 comment:

  1. YEAAAHHHH Only 14 more days! Congratulations on finishing up your first year of homeschooling! The first is a big one....and you's did it! :)

    From: Your Cheering Section! WHOOT WHOOT!!!
